Thinking like an investor


投資家としての心構え〜Howard Marks〜

投資家として自分が日々重要だと感じている心構えをHoward MarksのMatering the Market Cycleという書籍の導入チャプターから引用したい。


A view on how markets work is important—you should have one before you set out to invest, but it must be added to, questioned, refined and reshaped as you proceed.

In investing, there is nothing that always works, since the environment is always changing, and investors’ efforts to respond to the environment cause it to change further.

この文脈でのviewとは英英辞書によると名詞ではa particular way of considering or regarding something; an attitude or opinion, 動詞としては、regard in a particular light or with a particular attitude、という意味が該当するのだろう。



Importantly, it’s great to read outside the strict boundaries of investing. Legendary investor Charlie Munger often points to the benefits of reading broadly; history and processes in other fields can add greatly to effective investment approaches and decisions.



Exchanging ideas with fellow investors can be an invaluable source of growth. Given the non-scientific nature of investing, there’s no such thing as being finished with your learning, and no individual has a monopoly on insight. Investing can be solitary, but I think those who practice it in solitude are missing a lot, both intellectually and interpersonally.
